Checking in again
Hello everyone. We’re back from our visit to Washington, D.C. Had a great time and so did the parents, we think, but also came home very sore and tired. Spent the weekend resting.
Today I’m back at work on Volume 1 of Cassell’s Popular Gardening. I’ve made the first pass through the text, which took weeks. Now I’m re-working all of the illustrations for the book, and there are many, many of them. Then I need to write some front and back material and code the Table of Contents/Index. After that I create a cover, and complete one more proofreading run. I think I might have it done within two weeks, definitely three. That would be grand! It’s been years since I worked as a typesetter and publisher, and I really love being back in that process again.
This lovely Rosa canina is one of the illustrations. They’re looking pretty good for scans of material over a hundred years old.
That’s all I have for now. Life is quiet for the most part, and I’m working every day. I hang out on Twitter every weekday, but mostly to yell about politics. If you need my attention, that’s probably the best place to find me (though I do check my email a couple times a day).